As planned Gill and Will met us at Newark and we spent a very enjoyable time together last week cruising from ther

e to Trent Lock at Sawley. The weather got better and better as the week went on and we were able to share with them that lovely stretch of the Upper Trent in the sunshine. An unfortunate encounter with the hostile crew of a native cruiser marred the start of the week but even that ended up providing us with an entertaining topic of conversation!
Under here somewhere is a sleeping Will!
Gill’s sister, Sue, and brother-in-law, Dave, came to find us one evening armed with fizz and nibbles! It’s been such a long time since we have seen them so that was really good. They have lived in Newark for many years.

The next day at Gunthorpe we met the skipper of an extremely nice cruiser (see picture). He explained that he no longer travels far in it as it uses about 125 litres of fuel an hour! We were moored approximately 400 yards from the lock and he said it would use a gallon getting there!! He is trying to persuade his wife to let him get a narrowboat!
We also met the lovely crew of n/b “Stolen Time” who were on their way to Lincoln.
Our next overnight stop was right by The National Watersports Centre at Holme Lock. What a fantastic complex. The canoe slalom looks amazing and was being well used. It

such good fun. Now, if I had my time again ……………………

On through Nottingham.
Will had developed an ear infection but we were able to deliver him almost to the door of the NHS Walk-In Centre. Simples!
Like me, Gill was impressed with the way the area has been developed. After picking up supplies at a handy Sainsburys we moved on to moor at Beeston.
I made a huge Spag Bol and our friend, Ron, and his colleague Ian, from the O.S. office joined us for dinner.
We walked up to the local dog-friendly pub so that we could catch up with “The Widdle Sisters”. Two months older, two months bigger, no longer widdling in their boat but still very ready to clamber all over us for a fuss!
Thursday saw us arrive at Trent Lock. Final destination reached. Gill very kindly treated us all to lunch in the pub the next day and then she and I caught the train from Long Eaton back to Newark to collect her car. As long as you make sure you change onto the correct train at Nottingham it’s easy! I would probably have ended up in Skegness but fortunately Gill is more switched on than me! We had a quick chat with Dave and Sue who were at home before driving back to Trent Lock. It was further than I had expected it to be – 36 miles by road and, without a Sat Nav, not that easy to navigate.
BUT – despite Will and I losing at cards most evenings,

the week was a real success. “
I love it when a plan comes together.”!!