HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all.
It’s time I came out of hibernation and at least put my blog back on ‘trickle charge’. By that I mean - keep it ticking over with an entry every now and then.
A lot has happened since my last entry but I’m ashamed to say that I have just wanted to ‘winkle away’ – ie: tuck myself away in a shell to reflect and lick my wounds. Enough now of that! It’s a new year, time to get-a-grip and move on.
We had a productive week back in Staines (upon Thames!) on the run up to Christmas and it has been really good seeing so many ‘old’ friends. They all helped me to re-charge my batteries and replenish the spirit in more ways than one!! We had a lovely Christmas Day on Ben’s barge.
New Year saw us in Harlow with our dear friends, Mick and Lynn. Despite the torrents of rain we went walking – well, hairy mutts insist on it even if you are nursing a self-inflicted headache! The Lee Valley Country Park was heaving with people as usual but, isn’t it good that such a lovely resource is so well used by local people? Dogs can run free and cars can park …………… for free!
The Lee Nav
igation runs right through the middle of the Park. We cruised this back in 2010 and I remember thinking how fantastic it was to be able to moor up for a few days and access the lakes and bird hides. On New Years Eve we walked along the River Stort at Roydon. Another lovely waterway to put on our ‘visit again’ list.
We caught up with the two younger generations of Claytons which was lovely, ate a lot and drank alot ……like you do!
So, all in all, 2013 has got off to a very positive start for us. (Mind you, so did 2012 but by the 8th I knew all about my brother’s plight and it went consistently downhill from there.)
POSITIVE THINKING! On our way back to the marina on New Year’s Day we made a detour to Hitchin to see our friends Kim and Mark. Within 5 minutes walk from their front door is lots of open land so ……………. more dog walking! They also have some rather special visitors to their back garden …………… BLACK squirrels. I’ve heard of their existence but …… as Mark says, ‘seeing is believing’. The photos are a bit fuzzy due to being taken through an understandably-in-need-of-a-clean window …………….

Back here in the marina quite a few moorers have come to their boats for the New Year period. This includes our friend, Rodney who, this time is accompanied by Derek – collectively nick-named by us as ‘The Trotters’! More socializing! More indulgences!
It will all calm down soon and normality will return. It seems that we can enjoy a mild week without rain! I can hear the tow path and fields around here heaving a sigh of relief.
Our neighbour, Lynne (n/b ‘Piston Broke’) has gone to visit her son and his family for a few days. Given the dry spell, Paul is threatening to ‘get outside for a bit of touching up’!! I think she needs to get back a.s.a.p.!!!!!!!!!!!! xxoo